Eastern Counties Bowling Association

Founded 1968

Affiliated to Bowls England





1.               TITLE

            The Association shall be called the Eastern Counties Bowling Association and shall be affiliated to Bowls England.


2.        OBJECTS

            The Primary objects of the Association shall be:

(a)       To promote, foster and safeguard the level green game of bowls for males in the constituent County Bowling Associations consisting of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Huntingdonshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.

(b)       To hold Annual Championships in Singles, Pairs, Triples, Fours, Junior Singles, a six rink County team Championship.

(c)             To arbitrate in the event of disputes between member County Bowling Associations.

3.               SUBSCRIPTIONS

(a)       A yearly subscription at the rate fixed at the AGM of the Association shall be paid not later than the 1st of February in each year.

(b)             Failure to pay the subscription as stated shall forfeit all the rights and privileges of membership until such arrears have been settled.

4.               ADMINISTRATION

(a)       The affairs of the Association shall be conducted at the Annual General Meeting and by a Council consisting of the President, the Deputy President, the retiring President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Assistant Secretary, Safeguarding officer (hereinafter called the Officers) and three accredited delegates from each member County Bowling Association.

(b)       Past Presidents and Life Members are entitled to attend all meetings and engage in discussion but may not vote.

(c)       The Annual General Meeting will be held November (in week 46).  The Council will meet when special circumstances demand.

(d)       The Secretary shall give not less than 14 days’ notice of all meetings.

(e)             Notices of Motion shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 28 days before the date of the Meeting.

(f)         The Council may appoint Committees and Authorities to deal with special matters and shall be empowered to fill any vacancies which may occur among the Officers.

(g)       The Council has authority to make Life Members of the Association.


5       MEETINGS

(a)       In addition to other relevant business the Annual General Meeting shall receive reports from retiring Officers and elect Officers for the ensuing year.

(b)       Nominations for the Office of Deputy President shall be accepted in rotation in alphabetical order from the constituent County Bowling Associations.

(c)        The President, or in his absence, the Chairman of any meeting shall have a casting vote.

(d)       Fifteen voting members shall form a quorum.


6.        COMMITTEES

            An Emergency Committee consisting of the President, the Deputy President and the Secretary shall deal with any urgent matter arising between meetings of the Council and report back to the next meeting of the Council on any action taken.



            The Council shall be empowered to adjudicate on any disputes referred to it that arise between affiliated County Bowling Associations as to the meaning or interpretation of the Rules and Regulations or any matter of practice, policy or complaint which it shall hold within its jurisdiction. The subject of reference or appeal must be stated in writing to the Secretary who shall summon a Council Meeting to discuss it or postpone its consideration until the next Ordinary Meeting. Parties shall be heard on each side and the decision of the Council shall be final.


8.        MATCH COSTS

            At all League games, each County shall pay the cost of meals for their own team, officers and visitors. In addition, they shall share the green fees and those charges relating to Umpires and Bowls England Selectors.

Cost of meals following league match.  Counties may charge up to a maximum of £6:50



            Players taking part in Association matches will travel in white top, grey trousers, blazer if worn and association tie.  The match will be played in registered county colour shirts.  After the game players, will change back into travel dress.



            Requests in writing for the Association to play a Special Match must be received by the Association Secretary through the County Secretary no later than 30th September in the year prior to the match taking place. Decision to accept applications up to a maximum of three will be taken at the October Council Meeting.



            Alterations of or additions to all or any of the Rules and Regulations of the Association shall be made only at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose and 28 days’ notice of the terms of such proposed alteration or addition shall be given to the Secretary. No such proposal for the alteration or addition shall be deemed to have been passed unless at least two-thirds of the votes cast are in favour.